This is our Billabong High International School, a thriving community where innovation, creativity, and holistic development form the core of our educational philosophy. We offer a diverse range of programmes across boards like CBSE, ICSE, and IGCSE, designed to nurture the unique talents and interests of each student. Let’s check out the distinctive aspects of our programmes.

Critical Thinking Programme

In our Critical Thinking Programme, we challenge our students to analyse facts from judgment. We encourage them to question and evaluate the world around them. This programme is woven into our curricular programmes and co-curricular programmes for growing intellectual curiosity and a mindset geared towards problem-solving. Students engage in debates, special education programmes, group discussions, and project-based learning, which are pivotal in developing their analytical skills. Through this programme, we nurture students to become independent thinkers.

Maker Programme

Our Maker Programme is a creative hub for young innovators. We believe in “Learning in Doing." Here, students gain theoretical and philosophical knowledge. Students utilise cutting-edge technology and traditional crafting techniques to transform their ideas into tangible creations. This programme, spanning from primary to senior school programmes, emphasizes the importance of hands-on learning and the joy of making. It is intended to develop creativity and entrepreneurship in our students.

Visual & Performing Arts Programme

The Visual & Performing Arts Programme lets students explore various forms of creative expression. From painting and sculpture to music, theatre, and dance, this programme allows students to discover and refine their artistic talents, encouraging them to express their individuality and emotions through art. Our trained coaches plan thoughtful learning sessions with high-quality training amenities. These programmes for children help students understand aesthetic beauty and new hobbies.

Sports Programme

Our Sports Programme offers various sports, from team-based games like football and basketball to individual pursuits like skating and shooting. This programme not only focuses on physical fitness but also on building sportsmanship, resilience, and team spirit. Our trained coaches and quality sports equipment make these programmes a great success. They prepare students for national and international competitions.

OEP & OASP Programme

Our Outdoor Education Programme (OEP) and Outdoor Adventure Sports Programme (OASP) make learning more exciting. Students participate in expeditions, trekking, camping, and adventure sports, learning about nature, sustainability, and self-reliance. Our Summer Programmes are instrumental in developing a sense of adventure and environmental stewardship.

Community Service & Outreach Programme

Our Community Service & Outreach Programme instills a sense of social responsibility in our students. Through various initiatives and partnerships, students engage in community service, learning the value of empathy, cooperation, and civic engagement. This programme is a key component of our life skills training programme that helps design solutions to social challenges.

Career Guidance Programme

The Career Guidance Programme is designed to help students navigate their future academic and career paths. From career counseling, test preparation, and university application support, this programme plays a pivotal role in our middle school programmes to senior school programmes, guiding students towards successful and fulfilling careers. They learn about their passion and find their north star.

New Age Programmes

The New Age Programmes, like gaining drone skills, learning capoeira, martial arts, shooting, skating, swimming, playing the keyboard, guitar, drums, and other instruments, are at the forefront of contemporary education. These programmes include courses in digital literacy, environmental science, neuroscience-based approach, and global studies, ensuring that our students are well-equipped for the challenges and opportunities.

Life Skills Programmes

Our Life Skills Programmes, like child safety, Community Service & Outreach Programme, safety drills, and sports activities like swimming, martial arts, etc., are integral to student development. These activities and courses focus on communication, leadership, emotional intelligence, and personal well-being. These programmes are essential in preparing students not just for academic success but for life itself.