Inches to Centimetre Converter: How to Use It

An inch-to-centimetre converter is a digital tool that seamlessly converts measurements from inches to centimetres. With just a few clicks, you can transform numbers and derive precise results in the unit of your choice. These inch-to-centimetre converters are useful for solving homework problems, projects, or measurement-related tasks. They are also beneficial if you or your children are travelling abroad and need to work with different measuring systems.

Inches to CM Converter

Step-by-Step Guide to Using the Converter

Step 1: First things first, you need to find a trustworthy converter. You can easily find one online.

Step 2: Input the number of inches you want to convert into centimetres. Suppose the number is 10.

Step 3: Select the 'convert' button (or its equivalent). The converter will automatically calculate the equivalent number of centimetres.

Step 4: The converted value is then available to you in centimetres. For 10 inches, it will show 25.4 cm.

What Formula Does the Inches to Centimetre Converter Use

The inches-centimetre converter uses a simple formula.


2.54 × Value (in inches) = Value (in cm)

Example: 7 inches * 2.54 = 17.78 centimetres

The converter multiplies the length in inches by a factor of 2.54 to get the equivalent length in centimetres.

Most online inch-to-cm converters provide an option for cm-to-inch conversion as well. Primarily, there are two main formulas or methods used by these converters. Both these methods are mentioned below:

Method 1: Division


Value (in inches) = Value (in cm)/ 2.54

Example: 50 cm / 2.54 = 19.685 inches

Method 2: Multiplication


Value (in inches) = Value (in cm) * 0.3937

Example: 10 cm * 0.3937 = 3.937 inches

Why Should You Use an Inch to Centimetre Converter?

Why use an inch-to-cm converter? Listed below are the benefits it offers.

  • These converters ensure precise conversions in mathematics and science, which is critical for accuracy in school projects.
  • Manually converting between inches and centimetres can be time-consuming. Inch-to-cm converters do the job quickly, which ensures time efficiency.
  • Using an Inch-to-centimetre converter can help your children avoid making mistakes on maths assignments.
  • Many products, such as clothing and electronics, have labels that list measurements in inches. A converter can help you quickly alter it to centimetres to suit your requirement.
  • There are many online inch-to-cm converters available free of cost. You need not buy the converter or physically carry it with you.


There are exactly 2.54 centimetres in one inch. This value is a standard conversion factor accepted and used worldwide.

To convert inches to centimetres, multiply the number of inches by 2.54. For instance, to find out how many centimetres are in 3 inches, calculate 3 * 2.54 which is equal to 7.62 cm.

Five inches equals 12.7 centimetres. You can calculate this by multiplying 5 by 2.54.
Example: 5 inches * 2.54 = 12.7 cm