How to Improve Your Child’s Verbal Communication?


By BHIS   clockJune 5, 2024   

Verbal communication skills are crucial in today’s ever-connected world. Children need to be able to speak clearly to succeed and make friends. It is a vital skill in all social settings including your relationship with your child. This blog post will show you what verbal communication is and how can you help your child improve their verbal communication skill. 

What is Verbal Communication?

There are four methods of communication skills that exist, which are verbal, nonverbal, visual, and written. Each of these methods is used across every area of life. And verbal communication is the most used and important of all. To teach good communication skills to kids, they need to be well-educated in each aspect of communication. 

Strong verbal communication involves many aspects from talking to body language. There are five types of verbal communication that include intrapersonal, interpersonal, small group, public, and mass communication. They are required when giving a speech, talking to a friend, debating someone, or explaining a work project.

What are the Advantages of Verbal Communication for Your Child?

Effective verbal communication is essential for transmitting information and messages. It can enhance a child’s cognitive, social, and emotional development. It prepares them for academic and professional success. Some of the advantages of verbal communication are:

  1. Enhances Cognitive Development
  2. Proficient verbal communication is essential for children as it enhances their cognitive development. It improves critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Additionally, it has been linked to better memory and learning. Better verbal communication boosts confidence. 

  3. Promotes Social and Emotional Development
  4. Better verbal communication also promotes social and emotional development in children. It improves social interactions, fostering empathy and emotional intelligence. This skill enhances leadership and teamwork skills. It allows children to form better relationships and become more empathetic.

  5. Prepares for Academic and Professional Success
  6. Proficient verbal communication is a critical skill for children. Because it prepares them for academic and professional success. It improves their academic performance. Additionally, it enhances job opportunities as many employers require practical communication skills. Proficient verbal communication improves overall career success. 

How to Improve Your Child’s Verbal Communication?

Kids in grade school are just learning how to interact with their classmates and make friends. At this age, kids may need help with making conversation and communicating their thoughts and feelings. Some practical tips for improving verbal communication skills are:

  1. Talk Regularly with Your Child
  2. Your job is to encourage your child to begin or join in conversations as much as possible. During car rides, chat about where you’re headed. During meal prep, chat about the steps involved in what you’re making. Talk during commercials about which part of the TV show you each liked best. 

  3. Describe the Day
  4. Encourage your child to tell you how the day went — in as much detail as possible. Ask, “What were the best and worst parts of school?” This helps with recall and sequencing. These two skills that kids who struggle with communication may have trouble with. Tell your child about your day, too. Maybe say something like, “I was in the grocery store today. Guess what I saw in the fruit aisle?”

  5. Listen to and Repeat What Your Child Says
  6. You can show your child how listening to and expanding upon what someone else says works by doing it yourself. After your child has told you something, repeat part of it, and then follow up with a question: “Wow, it sounds like that art project took a lot of patience. What other projects do you think would be fun to make? And what different materials would you need?”

  7. Have Practice Conversations with Your Child
  8. Talk through the types of situations your child might be the most nervous about. These might include talking to other kids while waiting for the bus, for example, or sitting with them at lunch. Then practice what your child might say. Take turns pretending to be each person in the conversation. 

  9. Point out Body Language
  10. Kids who struggle with communication may not always pick up on other people’s nonverbal cues. Sometimes these cues are called body language. For kids this age, consider showing and explaining body language. You can say, “I’m crossing my arms because I’m feeling angry,” or “When you roll your eyes at me, I feel disrespected.”

  11. Read with Your Child
  12. It doesn’t matter what you read with your child. What’s most important is that you do it together. Take turns reading to one another, even if your child just fills a word in here and there. After finishing a book or a TV show, discuss the setting, plot, characters, and any new words that might be in the story.

  13. Ask Your Child’s Opinion
  14. Make conversations as simple as which library you should go to or whether they think dogs or cats are friendlier. Ask your child’s opinion about relevant topics. You could ask things like “Should the other team have won?” Show your child how answers that begin with “I think” or “I feel” can lead to successful everyday conversations.

  15. Encourage Your Child to Keep a Journal
  16. Make your child write in a diary or journal about day-to-day activities and feelings. The process can make it easier for your child to form thoughts to share with others. This can ultimately make your child feel more prepared and confident when someone asks what’s been going on.

Teaching kids about these strategies is useful. But, the best way for them to hone their skills in verbal communication is to practice them on their own time. The above are just a few examples of how to improve communication skills for kids. There are endless options for activities and games that are both fun and educational. You can take your child to a school such as Billabong High International School. They will build communication skills that kids and parents alike can appreciate.

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